The winter season is now upon us! That means it’s a good time to note important precautionary measures to better prepare for weather related adversities. The two main inconveniences to consider are frozen pipes and loss of electricity due to downed power lines. Extreme freezes are typically forecast several days in advance. Always take note of recent weather warnings and act quickly for any things you may need. Please note the following tips for preventing winter weather issues in your apartment home…


Winter Weather Precautions Graphic
Winter Weather Precautions


What To Do BEFORE Winter Weather Arrives

  • Be sure to report any current maintenance issues to management as soon as possible to receive necessary repairs and avoid any compounding issues.
  • Stock up on extra grocery and medicinal items as soon as possible as local grocery storms can get overwhelmed with approaching weather concerns. Dry foods and snacks that don’t require heating are best.  
  • Stock up on any pet needs and comforts such as food, medicines and treats. 
  • Gather specialty items like blankets, flashlights, and batteries for possible power outages. 
  • Invest in a battery powered or pre-charged phone charger—a way to charge your phone when you may not have power. 
  • Make plans to stay indoors for a prolonged time, especially in case of ice or snow. 


What To Do DURING Winter Weather Advisories

  • Leave your apartment heat on 24 hours a day at a temperature setting of no less than 65 degrees or higher. Keep all windows closed during winter weather.
  • Be sure to leave open the cabinet doors under the kitchen sink and bathroom sink to allow heat to reach the and warm the plumbing.
  • Immediately upon knowledge of the freeze, drip all your water faucets at a steady, fast drip when you are in the apartment and when you are gone. This includes cold and hot water in your kitchen sink, bath tubs, showers, etc. Be sure to that all drains are open as well. 
  • Notify management as soon as possible if you notice any water running from a building or inside your apartment home.
  • As authorized in your lease, be prepare as management may be entering the apartments for spot checks.
  • You may pick up a bag of ice melt at the main entrance at the clubhouse (while supplies last).


Important Notes About Renter’s Insurance

If the pipes in your building or in the units above or next to you freeze and break, there may be substantial water damage to your property, other resident’s property (clothes, furniture, stereos, TV’s, etc) and the owner’s property (carpets, walls, ceilings, etc). The property owner is not liable for the costs of damages associated with this. To avoid any of these weather-related damage expenses, it is strongly recommended that you purchase renter’s insurance to cover your personal belongings from water, fire and similar hazards. 


Better to be Safe Than Sorry

Taking these measures during winter weather warnings could save you lots of trouble and/or money. These are crucial precautionary measures to help ensure your safety and the condition of your apartment home AND the homes of others around you. Thank you for prompt and continuous cooperation. Stay warm and take care!